

Q 1: What is Bipolar Disorder?

Bipolar Disorder (BD) is a mood disorder in which patients have periods of elevated/irritable or low mood or a mixed mood state. It is a long term, often life long diagnosis and requires prolonged periods of treatment.

Q 2: Who gets Bipolar Disorder?

Anyone can suffer from this condition. Usual age of presentation is in 2nd and 3rd decade of life with almost equal gender distribution.

Q 3: What causes Bipolar Disorder?

Exact reason is not known. There may be genetic factors (that is, condition is passed on through families) which make some people more prone for depression. An episode may be triggered by a major life event (like death of a family member or financial loss etc) or relatively mild stressors may accumulate over time. Sometimes, there may not be any identifiable stressor and still mood symptoms can start. There is imbalance of chemicals (neurotransmitters) in brain which lead to symptoms of BD.

Q 4: What are the symptoms of Bipolar disorder?

During periods of “low” or “depression”, patients suffer from symptoms of a typical depressive episode. These include low mood or sadness, loss of interest in activities, feeling tired or fatigued easily. Other symptoms like frequent crying, decreased sleep, reduced hunger, feeling guilty, loss of confidence, lack of concentration, feeling of bleak future, frequent thoughts of death or committing suicide are common. During periods of “high” or “mania/hypomania”, patients are generally more happy or irritable than their usual self. They talk more, have more energy to do work and engage themselves in many works simultaneously and may not even tire. They require less sleep, tend to be more socializing, start new activities like making new plans about business or lavish holidays or start taking drugs/ alcohol excessively etc. They may spend money excessively, may dress up more, may start being more religious. They often have heightened self esteem and confidence resulting in boasting about themselves, which may not be even true. Sometimes, there may be a mixed picture, with symptoms present from both these extremes during the same episode. Patients may not realize that they are behaving differently and often require their care givers to engage them in treatment.

Q 5: What bipolar disorder treatment is required and how long before it works?

Bipolar Disorder Treatment is required, first, to improve the symptoms of depression or mania/hypomania and second, to prevent future mood episodes. Mostly, mood stabilizers in addition to other medicines are required for achieving normalcy. Medicines are episode and patient specific, so specific details should be discussed with the concerned doctor.Dr Prannay Gulati provides best bipolar disorder treatment in mohali. It usually takes 2-3 weeks before adequate response is achieved, but it may vary from patient to patient due to various factors. Patient must stop their drug/ addiction substances for early and complete response to their treatment.

Q 6: How long is the bipolar disorder treatment required?

Bipolar Disorder Treatment is required to continue for few months even after complete improvement. If a patient has suffered from multiple episodes of depression, then medicines may be required to continue indefinitely for sustained improvement. Patient must not change/ stop their treatment in any form without consulting their doctor.

Q 7: What are the side effects of medication of bipolar disorder?

Different medicines have different side effects. Patients should discuss them with their doctor at any time during their treatment.

Q 8: What precautions are required during bipolar disorder treatment?

Treatment must be taken as per advice of the doctor. Medicines must be taken on time and doses as prescribed. Discuss with your doctor about any concern regarding illness and its treatment Do not discontinue medicines without discussing with the doctor Ensure regular follow ups Abstain from harmful substances like alcohol, smoking and other drugs If female patients are planning pregnancy or come to know that they are pregnant, they must contact their doctor immediately to discuss about any alteration in their treatment as some medicines may be harmful to the unborn child.

Q 9: What else can be done apart from medicines for bipolar disorder treatment?

Continue with normal routine as much as possible Go for regular walks/ exercise Practice relaxation exercises like yoga, deep breathing etc Engage in activities which you enjoy Discuss with caregivers/ close friends about patient’s condition. They may help in recognizing early symptoms and engage in treatment sooner. Financial and other valuable resources should have proper safeguards to avoid damage due to symptoms, especially during “high” or manic episodes. Patients should also learn about their illness and help in identifying early symptoms to prevent themselves from florid illness.