

Q 1: What is depression?

Depression is a common mental health disorder characterised by sadness of mood, loss of pleasure, feeling tired, negative thinking etc, for minimum period of 2 weeks, severe enough to alter day-to-day functioning. Depression does not mean occasionally feeling sad or for a short duration of time. Ups and downs of life are common and most people recover from it rather quickly. Only when symptoms last for significant period or is severe enough, depression is diagnosed.

Q 2: Who gets depression?

Anyone can suffer from depression at any age. Women suffer more frequently than men. Some people have two or more episodes of depression at various times in their life.

Q 3: What causes depression?

Exact reason is not known. An episode may be triggered by a major life event (like death of a family member or financial loss etc) or relatively mild stressors may accumulate over time. Sometimes, there may not be any identifiable stressor and still depressive symptoms can start. There may be genetic factors (that is, condition is passed on through families) which make some people more prone for depression. Women in particular, may be more prone after childbirth and/or menopause.

Q 4: What are the symptoms of depression?

Core symptoms are low mood or sadness, loss of interest in activities, feeling tired or fatigued easily. Other symptoms like frequent crying, decreased sleep, reduced hunger, feeling guilty, loss of confidence, lack of concentration, feeling of bleak future, frequent thoughts of death or committing suicide are common. Mostly, people are able to tell about such symptoms. But sometimes, people may know that they are not well but don’t know why. They may attribute their illness to a physical disease as people suffering from depression commonly have headaches, chest pain, palpitations etc.

Q 5: What depression treatment is required and how long before it works?

Depending upon severity, depression can be managed by medicines or psychotherapy (counselling) or both. ECT (Electroconvulsive therapy), commonly called as shock therapy, is a safe and effective method for severe form of depression requiring early improvement in symptoms. It usually takes between 2 to 4 weeks after starting medication before any significant improvement is expected. Overall, treatment helps to shorten the duration of episode and also prevents future relapse.Dr Prannay Gulati provides best depression treatment in mohali and adjoining areas such as chandigarh,panchkula.

Q 6: How long is depression treatment required?

Treatment is required to continue for few months even after complete improvement. If a patient has suffered from multiple episodes of depression, then medicines may be required to continue indefinitely for sustained improvement. Patient must not change/ stop their treatment in any form without consulting their doctor.

Q 7: What are the side effects of medication of depression treatment?

They are mostly mild, occurring during early in course of treatment of depression and usually settle down after few weeks. These include acidity, diarrhoea, flatulence, transient worsening of anxiety, sleep disturbance.

Q 8: What precautions are required for depression treatment?

Depression Treatment must be taken as per advice of the doctor. Medicines must be taken on time and doses as prescribed. Discuss with your doctor about any concern regarding illness and its treatment Do not discontinue medicines without discussing with the doctor Ensure regular follow ups Abstain from harmful substances like alcohol, smoking and other drugs

Q 9: What else can be done apart from medicines?

For treatment of depression continue with normal routine as much as possible Go for regular walks/ exercise Practice relaxation exercises like yoga, deep breathing etc Engage in activities which you enjoy

Common misconceptionsof depression treatment